Scorpion Hunt: Uncovering 7 Ways to Find Scorpions in Las Vegas Homes

Welcome to the world of scorpion detection in Las Vegas! Discover seven effective ways to spot these elusive critters in your home.

1. The Magic of UV Blacklights

Scorpions glow under UV light. Use a UV blacklight at night to easily spot them in dark areas of your home.

2. Moisture Trails

Damp area in a home

Scorpions are attracted to moisture. Regularly inspect damp areas like bathrooms and basements for any signs of scorpions.

3. Inspect Hiding Spots During the Day

Scorpions hide during the day. Check under furniture, in closets, and other dark, secluded areas where they might be hiding.

4. Landscape Maintenance

Maintain your yard and garden. Overgrown bushes and piles of debris can be perfect hiding spots for scorpions.

5. Seal Cracks and Openings

Seal any cracks and openings around your home. This prevents scorpions from finding easy entry points into your house.

6. Use Sticky Traps

Place sticky traps in corners and along the walls. These can catch scorpions and also help you identify high-traffic areas.

7. Nighttime Searches

Conduct periodic searches at night, especially during warmer months. This is when scorpions are most active and visible.


By using these seven methods, you can effectively find and manage scorpions in your Las Vegas home. Stay vigilant and consider professional pest control for a thorough approach.

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What Our Customers Are Saying
Scott Zuhse

Chad is always punctual with his scheduled time slot visit. Provides updates each visit on if traps have been hit or not. Always provides additional service upon request such as treating an influx of ants. With past exterminator, scorpion sightings were frequent. At this writing and with Chad’s service, they are nonexistent.

Highly recommend Vantage Pest Control!

Scott Zuhse
Talon LLC

Very professional, friendly, local company that cares about their customers. Will continue to refer to my friends, family and other businesses.

Talon LLC
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